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In her recent message to parishioners, the Very Reverend Catherine Ogle, Dean of the Cathedral, quotes Joan Chittister in urging them to prepare for Lent.

Joan Chittister’s reflections were chosen for the Tuesday, February 21 entry in the Liturgical Press monthly publication,

In March, Halewijn Publishing, in Belgium, will be releasing a Dutch translation of the book

Joan Chittister was quoted in a column in Global Sisters Report last week.

In Joan Chittister’s NCR online piece, “Behold I am doing something new … maybe,” Sister Joan muses on the increasing secularization of Christmas, and what even this may have to teach Christians to

Tom Roberts, writer and long-time editor of the National Catholic Reporter, wrote an extended profile and obituary for Mary Lou Kownacki, which was published in the NCR online.

For over twenty years, Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB, served as director of Benetvision.

At St. James Episcopal Church in New York City, Joan Chittister presented on the call to prophetic spirituality. This event was part of the historic Manhattan church’s Stillman Lecture Series.

Joan Chittister's column in the National Catholic Reporter deals with the leadership we need today as a nation during a time of great division and polarization.

Oblates and Sisters listen to Sister Joan

Joan Chittister discussed the roots of synodality and the synodal process’s implications for the future of the Church with the Sisters and Oblates of Mount Saint Benedict Monastery, in Erie, PA, at

An article which appeared in Herald Malaysia cited Joan Chittister’s speaking tour of Australia—and the crowds of hundreds that came to hear her—as an example of a “parallel Chur

A new compendium of homilies given through the Catholic Women Preach project is now available, featuring Joan Chittister’s homily on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, along with the writings of

Joan Chittister was the featured speaker at an online event hosted by Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer in Watchung, NJ.

In the National Catholic Reporter, one of Joan Chittister’s columns discussed "the kind of leadership we need now if this new world is to bear the strain of our divided

Joan Chittister spoke at the launch event celebrating a new political action committee called, Women: The Future.