Joan Chittister Speaks on "The Time Is Now"
Christ Church Cranbrook, in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, hosted over 300 people to hear Joan Chittister speak on “The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage.” Dr. Michael Pytlik, who helped to coordinate the talk, noted, “I heard Sister's talk with Oprah back in 2019, and I heard that she was going to talk about the prophetic side of Jesus, and the talk was about the true nature of the Hebrew prophets, and I keyed into it. I was very happy to hear her talk about the active side of religion and, better, spirituality. This is something that is very needed today. No matter the tradition, we are all asked to get involved in the world, and to do something. The Religious Studies department at Oakland is proud to partner with the Episcopal Diocese to bring Sister to our area in one the most important talks any of us can hear.”