Australia Speaking Tour
Coverage of Joan Chittister’s speaking tour of Australia continues to be overwhelmingly positive. Catholic Religious Australia recently ran an article describing her speech to 160 clergy and religious in Parramatta. The piece notes, “That visionary voice was in full flight at Parramatta as she worked her way through the major themes and documents of the Second Vatican Council, citing the liberating movements, so long overdue, that were unleashed by the authority of a General Ecumenical Council and the Holy Spirit.” Click here to read the full article.
Additionally, this letter ran in a parish newsletter in Australia, written by a woman who heard Sister Joan speak in Melbourne. She wrote:
“I have long been an admirer of Joan Chittister, OSB, the Benedictine nun, spiritual warrior and all-round good woman, so was thrilled to be able to see and hear her…It was gratifying seeing the number of people in the Catholic world who had turned out to listen to this prophetic woman. There was a palpable sense that we wanted to hear Joan live. We were a community looking for answers from a woman who is not afraid to express an opinion about the state of the Church, or anything else for that matter! She invoked the spirit of Daniel Berrigan, SJ who said A prophet speaks the truth to a culture of lies.
Joan spoke of the prophets who go where there is no road and make the path for us. They dare when we do not. They risk and we are happy to let them do it from the comfort of our spiritual jacuzzi. Prophets poke and prod us out of the darkness of outdated thinking or sclerotic views. They seed social change, looking for the common good, seeking the hospitality of person and place where all are welcome.
Joan wonders if there will be prophets enough for the future. Her key point and one she has made often in her recent books and tours is: Time doesn’t change anything, people do. Joan is a great believer in the Holy Spirit. Recently we have celebrated Pentecost, the birthday of the Church and have been reminded that it is the energy of the Spirit that moves us to change, to break the chains of complacency, to be disturbed into action.
Perhaps we really need to ask ourselves who we are listening to and if that listening is converting into justice for others in our human family.”